protect your teaware
These cute origami pouches are easy to make and protect your teaware beautifully. Perfect to make as a gift wrap for a present or as a gift in itself.
You need: two different fabrics, one main and one lining fabric (I am using linen and silk recycled from old clothing), thread and needle (sewing machine), ribbons or strings, pins, safety pins, scissors and an iron.
These small pouches are perfect for teacups, a small gongdaobei or a small gaiwan.

Cut two squares, one in the main and one in the lining fabric. Depending on preference, 25-40cm side length should be good.
Align the fabrics right sides together and sew them together along the border. Leave a small opening.

Cut back the seam allowance and trim the corners. Turn the fabrics inside out through the opening.
Press well using an iron.

Fold the corners toward the middle and press.
Fold the corners outward and press again.

Fill the square evenly with some cotton wadding, for beginners, it is easier to take small portions of wadding to create a very flat, even layer. The more wadding you use, the more padded your teaware will be, but it can look bulky and it will be difficult to sew.
Pin the corners well and sew them down to create a channel.

Sew the opening shut by hand. Repress the folds to compact the wadding and give the pouch some more defined shape.
In order to prevent to wadding from sliding around too much, sew the two layers of fabric together. Stay inside the pressed lines to make them as invisible as possible. Pin well before sewing.

You need two drawstrings. Pin a safety pin to one end of a drawstring and feed it through the tunnel created by the corners. Once you reach the end of the drawstring, tie them together.
Repeat the process with the second drawstring, starting from the opposite side. You are done! Hurra!

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