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Startseite » Framed Chabu

Framed Chabu

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the base of a beautiful chaxi

This framed Chabu (tea cloth) is the starting layer of your tea set up! It sets the tone for your tea environment and is decorative and practical at the same time.

Cut a rectangle from your patterned fabric and matching strips of plain fabric as pictured.

Pin two of the strips to the patterned fabric (right sides together) and sew them together.

Press the seams open, this is recommended for all seams.

Pin the remaining two strips to the big piece of fabric, right sides together. Sew along the edges.

Now you should have one large rectangle with your patterned fabric framed. Cut a rectangle of the same size from your plain fabric.

Put them together right sides together and sew along the edge, leaving a small opening. Trim the seam allowance and corners.

Turn the Chabu right side out from the opening and press well.

Sew the opening shut and voila! Your beautiful Chabu is done!

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