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Classic Teapot Shapes – Hehuan

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The party teapot.


he huan

joyous reunion

This is another one of Mansheng’s designs. To recap, Mansheng was an intellectual who designed a bunch of teapots and had them made by teapot artists.

This teapot’s name implies happiness and celebration. Mansheng chose two objects that were always present at any good party: a pair of cymbals stacked together, just like when they are played.

There is also a story: When Mansheng was an official in the town of Liyang, a big task was bringing the pre-Qingming tribute tea to the capital. Failure or tardiness could bring severe consequences, so Mansheng was meticulous in his preparation and execution. When word arrived that the tea arrived safely and the emperor was quite pleased, Mansheng threw a giant party with loud music and a lavish buffet. He also named this design after the celebration. Hehuan teapots are perfect to use or gift for a joyous occasion or party, like a wedding.

The top part is made up of the larger rim of the cymbal (teapot body) and the smaller dome shaped part (lid). Very clever indeed! The lower part of the body mirrors the rim of the cymbal, but the dome of the cymbal is only sometimes implied with a small foot on the bottom of the teapot.

The lid knob is also reminiscent of a pair of cymbals.

Beware that nowadays hehuan can also be an euphemism for something else, keep in mind that it literally means ‚joyous coming together‘ so you can guess what it means.

Get yourself some ‚Teapot Shapes I‘ and ‚Teapot Shapes II‘ postcards!

